What Elements should be Included in Your 30-60-90 Day Plan Infographic?

Plan Infographic
Plan Infographic

The 30-60-90 day plan infographic is a great tool for explaining the goals and strategy behind your business. It outlines the steps you’ll take to reach success over three months, highlighting key milestones and objectives along the way.

Key Elements:

1. Introduction – Introduce yourself and give an overview of your company, including basic information like industry, mission, and main services/products.

2. Objectives & Goals – List out all the objectives and goals that you have in mind for the next 90 days, such as increasing sales by X%, launching a new product line, or gaining more customers overall.

3. Strategies & Tactics – Describe what strategies and tactics you’ll use to achieve each goal, such as increasing marketing efforts, creating new partnerships, or launching a loyalty program.

4. Timeline – Use a timeline to visually show the goals and strategies that you plan to implement over the next 90 days. This will help viewers see at a glance what milestones need to be achieved and when they should be completed by.

5. Metrics & Measurements – Include metrics and measurements for each goal so that viewers can understand how success is being measured and tracked. This could include things like number of customers acquired, increase in web traffic, or total sales volume.

6. Resources & Tools – Showcase any resources or tools that you’ll need to reach your objectives over the next three months, including software programs, online courses, or research materials.

7. Networking – Include any networking activities that you plan to do in order to reach your goals, such as attending seminars or conferences, connecting with potential customers on social media, and joining relevant professional organizations.

Wrap up the infographic by summarizing the main objectives and goals that were outlined over the course of the 30-60-90 day plan infographic. This is a great place for a call to action, encouraging viewers to take advantage of this plan and make it happen!

By including these key elements in your 30-60-90 day plan infographic, you can create an effective visual representation of your strategy that will help you meet your business objectives faster and easier.

This infographic provides an overview of the key elements that should be included in your 30-60-90 Day Plan.

30 Days:

The 30 day milestone is a great time to focus on onboarding and learning about the company, products and services. During this time period you should set clear expectations for yourself and your team. Utilize resources provided by the organization and take advantage of any training opportunities offered. Additionally, begin working towards developing relationships with colleagues, customers, vendors etc., build rapport with co-workers and explore areas where you may be able to offer assistance or support.

60 Days:

At 60 days in your new role, it’s important to expand upon knowledge gained over the previous month as well as use the time to adjust and become more comfortable in your new role. Make sure to track progress on goals and objectives, update any implementation plans, analyze data and assess results from initiatives taken thus far. As you continue to grow in your understanding of the organization and its products or services, create a plan for improvement or growth.

90 Days:

By 90 days it’s critical to have an increased level of self-sufficiency in both daily tasks as well as larger projects. This final milestone is about really demonstrating what value you can bring to the company. By putting into practice all that has been learn over the past two months. Make sure to take initiative on new ideas and think critically about how they may impact the organization and its customers. Utilize this time to refine processes and develop new methods of operation.


Overall, the 30-60-90 Day Plan is an invaluable tool for setting yourself up for success in a new role. It’s important to have clear goals and objectives in mind as you progress through each milestone. Make sure to take advantage of all resources available to you and reach out when needed. Through careful planning and execution, your 30-60-90 Day Plan can also be an effective way to start off your new role on the right foot!