What would our planet be without Mother Nature? 

In today’s day and age, it’s easy to take Mother Nature for granted. We live in a world where we can order our food from the other side of the planet with the click of a button, and where we can hop on a plane and be on the other side of the globe in just a matter of hours.

What would our planet be without Mother Nature? It’s hard to imagine, but without all the natural resources and beauty that she provides, it would be a very different place.

Here are the 15 things that Mother Nature does for us:

1. She gives us air to breathe:

Without the trees and plants that produce oxygen, we would not be able to breathe. In fact, all life on earth depends on oxygen for survival.

2. She provides us with food:

Fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds are all essential sources of nutrients that we need to stay healthy. They not only provide us with energy but also contain vitamins, minerals, and fiber that our bodies need to function properly.

3. She gives us water to drink:

Not only do we need water to survive, but it is also essential for our bodies to function properly. Every cell in our body needs water to function and without it, we would quickly become dehydrated.

4. She helps regulate the climate:

While the sun is the ultimate source of heat and energy for our planet, it is the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere that trap this heat and make our planet habitable. Without these gases, the Earth would be too cold to support life.

5. She provides us with shelter:

Trees, leaves, and other plants not only give us shade from the sun but also provide homes for animals and birds. They also help to protect us from strong winds and harsh weather conditions.

6. She gives us clothing:

Plants such as cotton and flax are used to make fabrics that are used to create clothing. Wool comes from sheep and is another popular fabric used in clothing.

7. She provides us with medicines:

Many of the medicines we use today come from plants. For example, aspirin comes from the bark of the willow tree and penicillin comes from mold.

8. She gives us wood:

Trees provide us with wood that can be used to build homes, furniture, and other objects. Wood is also used as a fuel source for heating and cooking.

9. She provides us with energy:

Fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. These fuels are used to generate electricity and power our homes and businesses.

10. She helps purify the air:

Trees and other plants help to remove pollutants from the air and provide us with clean, fresh air to breathe.

11. She helps control noise pollution:

Plants and trees can help to reduce noise pollution by absorbing sound waves. This is especially important in urban areas where there is a lot of traffic and other noise sources.

12. She provides us with recreation:

Parks, forests, and other natural areas provide us with places to relax and enjoy the outdoors. These areas also offer opportunities for exercise, bird watching, hiking, and other activities.

13. She helps regulate the water cycle:       

The water cycle is the process by which water evaporates from the surface of the earth, rises into the atmosphere, and then falls back down to the surface as precipitation. This cycle is essential for all life on earth and helps to maintain the Earth’s climate.

14. She provides us with soil:

Soil is essential for growing plants and crops. It is also necessary for many construction projects.

15. She gives us beauty:

Mother Nature is responsible for the stunning landscapes, sunsets, and other natural wonders that we enjoy. She is also responsible for the flowers, trees, and other plants that add beauty to our world.

Mother Nature is an important part of our lives and without her; we would not be able to survive. We need to appreciate all that she does for us and do our part to protect her.


Mother Nature is essential for our survival and wellbeing. We need to appreciate all that she does for us and do our part to protect her.