What’s the worst New Year’s Eve you’ve ever had?

The worst New Year’s Eve I ever had was the year my friends and I decided to go to a party at a club. It was so overcrowded and loud that we couldn’t even hear each other, let alone have any fun. We ended up leaving early and feeling pretty disappointed.

Looking back, it’s not surprising that it was such a let-down. New Year’s Eve is often overhyped and can end up being a huge disappointment. If you’re not careful, you can easily set yourself up for a night that falls flat.

To avoid having a repeat of that disastrous New Year’s Eve, here are 15 tips:

1. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to have the “perfect” night.

Just relax and go with the flow.

2. Make sure you’re going to be comfortable.

Choose an outfit that you’ll be able to dance and move around in without any restrictions.

3. Have realistic expectations.

Don’t expect to party all night long – chances are you’ll be tire long before midnight.

4. Don’t drink too much.

You don’t want to end up being sick or making a fool of yourself. Stick to one or two drinks at most.

5. Pace yourself.

If you know you’re going to be drinking, eat something beforehand and alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages throughout the night.

6. Make sure you have a way to get home safely.

Don’t drink and drive, and make sure you have a backup plan in case your designate driver gets too to drive.

7. Have an exit strategy.

If things aren’t going the way you wanted, don’t be afraid to leave early – there’s always next year.

8. Don’t rely on others for entertainment.

Bring along some fun games or activities to keep yourself entertained if the party turns out to be a dud.

9. Don’t forget about your other senses.

If you can’t hear the music or people are talking too loudly, try focusing on the visuals or smells around you.

10. Be prepared for anything.

Bring along cash, ID, and your phone in case of an emergency.

11. Make sure you’re hydrated.

Drink plenty of water throughout the night to avoid getting dehydrate – alcohol will only make it worse.

12. Don’t do anything you don’t want to do.

If you’re not comfortable with something, don’t do it just because everyone else is.

13. Don’t get too caught up in the moment.

Remember that New Year’s Eve is just one night – it’s not worth doing anything that you’ll regret later.

14. Be careful with your belongings.

Don’t leave your coat or purse unattended, and keep an eye on your drink at all times.

15. Have fun!

At the end of the day, New Year Eve is suppose to be a fun and memorable night. So make sure you enjoy yourself – no matter what happens.


1. What should I wear on New Year’s Eve?

You should wear something that you’ll be comfortable in and that won’t restrict your movement. Consider your venue and activities when choosing an outfit.

2. How can I avoid getting too drunk on New Year’s Eve?

Pace yourself by alternating between alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and don’t drink on an empty stomach. Stick to one or two drinks at most.

3. I’m not a big party person – what can I do on New Year’s Eve?

There are plenty of ways to celebrate New Year’s Eve without going to a party. You could have a quiet night at home with family or friends, go out to dinner, or attend a public event like a concert or fireworks display.

4. What are some fun activities I can do on New Year’s Eve?

If you’re looking for something to do on New Year Eve, consider playing games, watching movies, or going out for a night on the town. You could also go to a bar or club but be prepared for it to be crowded and noisy.


New Year’s Eve is a night to celebrate, but it’s also a night where things can easily go wrong. To avoid having a disastrous evening, remember to relax, dress comfortably, and pace yourself if you’re drinking. And most importantly, have fun!