Find Happiness now! 5 Tips to finding happiness

Happiness as a concept is as old as the history of mankind. The search for this elusive feeling has had many different approaches, one being through different religions and practices, another being through science.

This article however will concentrate on the latter, with a slight tip of the hat to the former.  It is important to note that all information within this post has been researched heavily from reliable sources such as Wikipedia etc – all incorrect information should be promptly addressed by contacting me via Twitter or email! Also, it is very important that you bear in mind that I am not a professional writer and expect my writing style to be pretty terrible 🙂  If you find anything within this article offensive please contact me immediately, I would appreciate your feedback so I improve my writing. I try and stay as politically correct as possible but due to the nature of the topic, this may not always be possible.

                Human beings have a natural tendency to place things into separate categories, such as friends and acquaintances, etc. From an early age, people would develop into one of two groups: optimists or pessimists. Pessimism on the other hand can lead to depression and also anger within certain aspects of life. It has been observed that many people that were born into wealthy families and live privileged lives often develop into optimistic people, whereas those who were born poor often end up as pessimistic individuals.

                We all like to think we are the former but don’t we all sometimes feel like the latter? I certainly do, and let me tell you something; Optimism is not easy! Being positive about your whole life conceptually seems awesome right? But isn’t it so hard to see everything in a positive light at times? Wellbeing an optimist doesn’t mean you have to be happy ALL of the time – it just means that you look at life’s journey in the most positive way possible, this will then flow into your actions and how you live your life. Being an optimist also does not mean you are delusional to the world around you, it just means that if something difficult is happening within your life you find a way to smile about it or turn it into a funny story – optimism gives you the power to be able to do this. 

                Let’s get back to HAPPINESS! I think one of my favorite ideas behind happiness is that its definition evolves over time; what makes me happy now may not necessarily make me happy in five years. This is why there is no universally agreed-upon definition for happiness since it all depends on who you ask and how you live your life.            

So to get back on topic, here are five tips you can try out in order to find happiness for yourself:

1.      Think of three things that make you happy;

They can be anything! Your favorite food, a song you like or even your favorite show (just make sure it doesn’t turn into an obsession). Whenever you’re feeling down, take out this list and read the five positive words written within it over and over again until you feel good about yourself once more.

2.      Take time for yourself;

Go get that ice cream/coffee/new book that will bring smiles across your face. Do whatever makes YOU happy, and don’t let anybody influence that decision.

3.      Tell yourself you are enough;

If you want to lose weight then go for it, if you want to work on your career then do it! You are enough to succeed in life no matter what anybody tries to tell you. Believe in yourself every day and teach other people how important self-belief is by doing so!

4.      Get involved with happy activities;

I know this may sound cheesy but getting involve with events/clubs surrounding positive actions makes me feel great about myself personally. Whether this is volunteering at a soup kitchen or attending seminars that inspire positivity within us all, happiness can be found through selfless acts of kindness towards others – not only for ourselves but also for others.

5.      Remember why you’re here; we aren’t alive by accident.

We all have a purpose and goal to accomplish throughout our lives, whether that is finding happiness or helping others find it too! So don’t forget the reason and meaning behind your actions and thoughts because I can promise you it won’t lead you anywhere. Most importantly remember YOU are important as well even if it doesn’t seem like it sometimes – so stand tall and take pride in who you are as a person! Positivity is key to living happy life 🙂


                So remember, you don’t need to be happy all the time. Even if you’re not smiling from ear to ear every single day it is still possible for you to be content with your life. You can do this by simply focusing on being positive in most situations which will lead to a happier future for yourself!