How to clear a clogged drain

If your drain is clogged, there are a few different ways that you can clear it. You can try using a plunger to force the clog out, or you can use a chemical drain cleaner to clear a clogged drain. If those methods don’t work, you may need to use a plumber’s snake to physically remove the clog.


1. Start by pouring a pot of boiling water down the drain. This will help to loosen the clog.

2. Next, use a plunger to try and force the clog out of the drain. Put the plunger over the drain and push and pull it up and down.

3. If the plunger doesn’t work, you can try using a chemical drain cleaner. Pour the cleaner into the drain and let it sit for a few minutes before flushing with hot water.

4. If the clog is still not cleared, you may need to use a plumber’s snake. Insert the snake into the drain and turn the handle to spin it around. This will help to break up the clog.

5. Once the clog is clear, flush the drain with hot water to remove any residue.

If you’re having trouble clearing a clogged drain, there are a few different things that you can try. You can use a plunger to force the clog out, or you can use a chemical drain cleaner. If those methods don’t work, you may need to use a plumber’s snake to physically remove the clog. Follow the instructions below to clear your clogged drain.

If your drain is clog, there are a few things you can do to try and clear it yourself. First, try running hot water down the drain for a few minutes. If that doesn’t work, you can try using a plunger or a plumber’s snake. If that doesn’t work either, you’ll need to call a professional plumber.

Clogged drains are a common problem in households, like grease, hair, and other debris can build up over time and cause a blockage.

If you have a clogged drain, there are a few things you can do to try and clear it yourself before calling a professional.

Running hot water down the drain:

This is often the first method people try when they have a clogged drain. The hot water can help to break up any grease or hair that may be causing the blockage.

Using a plunger:

If hot water doesn’t work, the next thing you can try is using a plunger. Plungers create suction that can help to dislodge the blockage.

Using a plumber’s snake:

If a plunger doesn’t work, you may need to use a plumber’s snake. This is a long, flexible piece of metal that can be fed down the drain to reach the blockage. The snake can then be use to break up or remove the obstruction.

Calling a professional:

If none of these methods work, you’ll need to call a professional plumber. They will have the tools and experience necessary to clear the blockage quickly and efficiently.

Clogged drains are a common problem, but there are a few things you can do to try and clear them yourself before calling a professional. Running hot water down the drain is often the first method people try, as the heat can help


1. How do I know if my drain is clogged?

If your drain is slow to drain or doesn’t drain at all, it’s likely that it’s clogged. Another sign of a clog is if water backs up out of the drain when you run the garbage disposal or turn on the dishwasher.

2. How can I prevent my drains from getting clogged?

You can prevent your drains from getting clog by regularly cleaning them with a plunger or a plumber’s snake.


If your drain is clog, there are a few things you can do to try and clear it yourself. You can use a plunger to force the clog out, or you can use a chemical drain cleaner. If those methods don’t work, you may need to use a plumber’s snake to physically remove the clog. Follow the instructions below to clear your clogged drain.