Strategies for Supporting Positive Body Image among Women

Body image is a complex and personal concept that affects everyone differently. For many women, body image can play an important role in their sense of self-worth and overall wellbeing. As such, it’s important to take steps to create a positive environment for women to foster positive body image.

Here are 15 strategies for supporting positive body image among women:

1. Promote Self-Acceptance:

Encourage individuals to appreciate their bodies for what they are; not what society tells them they should be. Focus on the positives (what your body can do for you, rather than its physical appearance) and emphasize individual strengths.

2. Challenge Stereotypes:

Be mindful of language and images used when discussing or representing women’s bodies. Refuse to buy into unrealistic beauty standards or “one size fits all” messages.

3. Create a Supportive Environment:

Encourage and support healthy behaviors without shame or judgment. Let women know that everyone has their own beauty, and that they should be proud of who they are.

4. Focus on Health:

Rather than aiming for weight loss or body perfection, focus on maintaining overall health and wellbeing (e.g., mental, emotional, physical). Exercise should be enjoyable and not punitive; emphasize the benefits of physical activity rather than its aesthetic effects.

5. Foster Kindness:

Create an environment in which kindness is valued over appearance-based judgments. Let women know that they are more than just a body, and that their worth is not determined by their physical appearance.

6. Educate About Media:

Help women to recognize the unrealistic standards portrayed in media and learn how to critically interpret these messages. Encourage critical thinking when interpreting images, rather than simply accepting them as reality.

7. Normalize Diversity:

Recognize that bodies come in all shapes and sizes and emphasize how unique each individual is. Celebrate differences by highlighting the beauty of diverse body types in everyday conversations, activities, and materials presented in class or at work.

8. Model Body Positivity:

Be an example for yourself and others by talking positively about your own body image experiences as well as those of other people. Acknowledge your own imperfections and make it okay for other people to do the same.

9. Offer Resources:

Provide resources for women who are struggling with their body image. Refer them to books, websites, support groups, or other outlets that can help them work through issues and foster a healthier attitude towards themselves and their bodies.

10. Practice Self-Care:

Encourage individuals to take time out of their day to focus on activities that are not appearance based (e.g., yoga, meditation, journaling). Help them recognize the importance of taking care of them in order to feel good about them inside and out.

11. Promote Positive Thinking:

Encourage individuals to focus on what they like about themselves rather than dwelling on areas of dissatisfaction. Ask questions that help them recognize their strengths and accomplishments so they can reframe their thoughts in order to feel more positive.

12. Avoid Triggering Situations:

Be aware of situations or activities that may trigger negative body image-related thoughts (e.g., comparing yourself to others, participating in weight loss challenges). Encourage women to make healthy decisions that foster self-love and acceptance, not self-criticism.

13. Talk About Body Diversity:

Discuss the varied shapes, sizes, and unique features associated with different types of bodies. Normalize conversations about all body types and remind people that there’s no one right way to have a body.

14. Develop Positive Relationships:

Help women foster relationships with people who support them and celebrate their individuality. Encourage positive social connections that focus on shared interests and activities, rather than physical appearance.

15. Embrace Body Acceptance:

Explore ways to accept and appreciate your body as it is today. Remind yourself of the things you like about your body and practice self-compassion whenever possible. Celebrate the beauty of being alive instead of focusing on what you don’t like about yourself.

By implementing these strategies into everyday life, we can create an environment in which positive body image is fostered and celebrated among women.


Body image is an important issue for many women, and it’s essential to create a supportive environment in which positive body image can be nurtured. By challenging stereotypes, promoting self-acceptance, focusing on health, and fostering kindness among women, we can strive for the creation of a world where everyone feels free to celebrate their uniqueness.